

Regular attendance in all classes is an expectation of all Baldwin students. Attendance is taken every day at 10:25am. If you would like to avoid your student/s being marked as absent for the day, we suggest you please try and schedule doctor/therapy appointments after 10:40am so your student/s can be marked as present for the day. State law and District policy state that students must be in attendance for 90% of the instructional days for a class to receive credit. A student who misses more days than allowed by AISD policy, excused or unexcused, may not be given credit for that class unless time and/or work is made up for the absences. 

Report an Absence FORM


When returning to school after an absence for any reason, a student must submit a note to the attendance clerk in the front office, signed by the parent or doctor, describing the reason for the absence. PLEASE ALLOW UP TO 7 BUSINESS DAYS FOR ATTENDANCE TO UPDATE.

Notes may also be emailed to the attendance clerk, Angie Vega @

Tardies: The tardy bell rings every day at 7:40am. Students are expected to be seated in their classrooms by 7:40am. This means that if the student/s is just arriving at 7:40am the student is considered tardy. Any students that arrive after 7:40am need to be checked in through the front office. 

Illness: A student with a fever of 100.0 must be sent home and cannot return to school until the student has been fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication. If a student has been absent because of illness, a signed note from the parent stating that the student was ill must be turned in. If a student has been out more than 3 days because of illness the parent note must be accompanied by a doctor’s note/receipt, in order for the extra days to be excused.

Medical Appointment: When returning from a medical appointment, a signed note from the doctor is required. This ensures that the school receives funding from the state of Texas for the student when they were absent. In order for the school to receive this funding, the student must have attended school for part of the day on the day of the appointment.

Family Vacations and Out of Town Trips: School days missed due to family vacations, out of town trips, taking extra days to extend the weekend, and time taken off for non-AISD extracurricular activities will not be excused.

Notification of absences: An automated phone message or email will be sent to the primary contact of any student who is given an absence on the day the absence is recorded. On the third and tenth absence, the district’s central office automatically mails a letter to the residence of the parent of the student. Ten or more unexcused absences may result in the campus pursuing legal action.

For more information on attendance requirements, visit the district website at