Drop Off/Pick Up Procedure

Morning Drop Off

Here's what you need to know about mornings at Baldwin Elementary...

6:50 Time that Students need to get to Baldwin each morning

7:15 Time that students may enter the building. Please do not drop them off early!

5 School buses that serve Baldwin neighborhoods

PK-2nd students wait in the Cafeteria and 3rd-5th wait outside the classroom until 7:30

*Students entering 7:30-7:40 go to classroom.

7:40 Tardy Bell Rings (go to front office after bell)

Car Drop Off Etiquette

Pull up to the paw and wait until staff or safety patrol before letting students out.

Drivers stay in the car.

Save handicapped spaces for those who need them.

Be patient

Be ready to go! Students on passenger side, backpacks packed and shoes tied.

No cell phone use in school zones... it's the law!

Do not park in a crosswalk.

Want to avoid traffic? Here are the best ways to get to school on time....

  • Walk or bike
  • School bus
  • Park down the street and walk (follow parking signs)

Remember: only cross the street at a corner, crosswalk, or traffic sign!

This is a law, and it helps keep our kids safe by teaching them healthy habits they will use when an adult isn't around!

Afternoon Pick Up

Here's what you need to know about afternoons at Baldwin Elementary...

3:10 Dismissal bell rings

Students have color coded tags on backpacks to ensure a smooth dismissal. Please do not remove tags.

*Blue - Car Rider
*Yellow - Bus Rider
*Red - Baldwin Crew
*Green - Escorted Walkers/Parent pick up
*Orange - Independent Walker

All same day transportation changes must go through the office. Cut off time is 2:00

Car Pick Up Etiquette

Pull up to letter sign.

Drivers stay in the car.

Students must entor on passenger side and should be able to buckle up independently...

If your child needs assistance with a seatbelt please consider picking up as an escorted walker.

Be patient.

No cell phone use in school zones... it's the law!

Do not park in a crosswalk.

Which door does your student/s exit?

  • Independent Walkers exit from closes doors. PK-2nd students must be accompanied by a 3rd-5th sibling to be independent walkers.
  • Bus Riders exit the back doors
  • Car Riders exit the front doors
  • Escorted Walkers exit the blue hallway door - Parents give family # to campus staff, and meet their student/s

Remember: only cross the street at a corner, crosswalk, or traffic sign!

This is a law, and it helps keep our kids safe by teaching them healthy habits they will use when an adult isn't around!

More Helpful Information


For the safety of your child, we ask that you do not drop-off or pick up students from the portables. If a child is late or needs to be picked up early, please go directly to the office and follow the check in or out procedures.

Late Arrival

If your child arrives to school after 7:40am, please check-in at the office and your student will get a tardy pass to go to class.


There are minimal visitor parking spaces available in front of the school. Please do not park in the front or back staff parking lot. Our staff parking lot fills up quickly and some staff will be coming and going throughout the day. Please park only in designated spaces or on the street, not along the fire lane. Cars parked in fire lanes or no parking areas are subject to ticketing and towing.

Students who Walk to school

Students should cross streets only in marked crosswalks. Please DO NOT let your child cross between cars.

Cell Phone Use Prohibited

It is against the law to talk on a cell phone in a school zone. It poses an extremely dangerous and unsafe situation when driving around the children.


For the safety of all our student and staff please keep your furry friends at home during drop-off and dismissal.

Bus Riders

AISD offers WheresTheBus app to provide you with timely information about the location of your child's bus, including when it will arrive at your stop. The WheresTheBus app is free to AISD families whose children ride the bus. The app is available on any device with Internet access (smartphone, tablet, personal computer, iPod) and takes less than five minutes to install.

Wheres the Bus app installation instructions (English)

Wheres the Bus app installation instructions (Spanish)