

The Baldwin Elementary Library is the heart of our school community. The library is open 7:15am - 3:30pm each school day. Parents are welcome and may create their own library accounts. Parents may check out up to five items at a time. The library collection is carefully curated for the reading interests and educational curriculum of Pre-Kindergarten through fifth grade. We have a collection of almost 15,000 print and electronic books that develop our students into avid readers. 

Baldwin Library Website

Contact: (512) 841-8900 ext. 21659


AISD Online Library Catalog

Search Baldwin's Library Catalog for available books here. Click on Elementary > Baldwin

Digital Resources available at school and home


Fiction & non-fiction e-books that are accessible to students at school and home. To access MackinVIA from home, please log into the portal at and enter your child's username and password. Then click on the MackinVIA tile in their dashboard.


Interactive books and audio books that are accessible to students at school and home.  To access TumbleBooks  from home, please log into the portal at and enter your child's username and password. Then click on the AISD Libraries tile in your child's dashboard. Click on the link for e-books. Multilingual in Spanish and French.


Math-specific content for K-6. To access TumbleBopoks  from home, please log into the portal at and enter your child's username and password. Then click on the AISD Libraries tile in your child's dashboard. Click on the link for e-books. Multilingual in Spanish and French.


Meet Our Librarian/Student Device Manager...

Kelley Hively
My Favorites

Library Assistant

Stephanie Durbin
My Favorites